To reach the city, get to the intersection the city goes to. The road to North Park from the west ends at the Park, about a block from downtown. From downtown, you must turn left and travel 1/2 mile to the intersection of North Park and South Park with a parking area about 1 mile across.
The intersection is at the north side of the city, across from the Civic Center, the Blue Line (a bit higher), the Metra-Civic Center bus loop, the North Park Community Center, and many other places in the city.
Cities reflect the social and economic structures that the people in our towns and cities developed for themselves as their people and as their community.

They are also the tools through which people negotiate and co-exist with one another over time through mutual recognition of common interests or grievances, shared property rights and benefits or joint labor activities.
The relationships of citizens to those of their neighbors and of those of their nation’s government to those of others reflects what’s common in people’s lives, whether that be familial relations, shared interests or common customs, language.
If these aspects of our history don’t appeal to you, I would love to hear from you. Post comments by October 1 and tell me as much as you can about your own urban history experiences.
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