I really like purple, but I don’t do all the design, so I do not really do it because of the amount of work is too hard to do. Also, I used blue, purple, green at some times to help me concentrate on the project. I use brown instead because I am too familiar with it. You have to decide which colours are good choices for the project (and which are not – you need to think of different scenarios with different applications as this affects how we think about colors and how they are perceived).

Phew! You just said that you didn’t start making banners until you were 16. What exactly made you think of banners as the way that you would use them?

My mom bought a banner for my birthday. We took a holiday at another house and we spent many hours painting banners (as soon as we finished, I got my new laptop, which I bought with 3,6€).

How much time did you spend on creating banners?

I started by sketching banner, then working on all the things that I wanted to add. I was really happy with the layout and all that (like the colors).

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